Dorian Auto GUI
###### Set Default Values
Dorian <- data.frame(Model = c("Small Car", "Medium Car", "Large Car", "Medium Van",
"Large Van"), SteelReq = c(1.5, 3, 5, 6, 8), LabReq = c(30, 25, 40, 45,
55), MinProd = c(1000, 1000, 1000, 200, 200), Profit = c(2000, 2500, 3000,
5500, 7000))
# Change Model to class character (instead of factor) so that model names
# can be changed later If I don't do this and I try to change one of the
# model names, I will get an error that this new name is not one of the
# current levels of the variable
Dorian$Model <- as.character(Dorian$Model)
## Model SteelReq LabReq MinProd Profit
## 1 Small Car 1.5 30 1000 2000
## 2 Medium Car 3.0 25 1000 2500
## 3 Large Car 5.0 40 1000 3000
## 4 Medium Van 6.0 45 200 5500
## 5 Large Van 8.0 55 200 7000
Materials <- data.frame(Steel = 6500, Labor = 65000)
## Steel Labor
## 1 6500 65000
package to do this. This is essentially an integer optimization problem with several boolean variables. Here's the basic function I used to solve for the optimal solution:DorianAutoFunction<-function(Inputs,Constraints){
# Introduce my data
Dorian <- data.frame(Inputs)
num.models <- nrow(Dorian)
# only x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 contribute to the total profit
objective <- c(Dorian$Profit, rep(0, num.models))
constraints.mat <- rbind(
c(Dorian$SteelReq, rep(0, num.models)), # total steel used
c(Dorian$LabReq, rep(0, num.models)), # total labor used
cbind(-diag(num.models), +diag(Dorian$MinProd)), # MinProd_i * z_i
cbind(+diag(num.models), -diag(rep(9999999, num.models)))) # x_i - 9999999 x_i
constraints.dir <- c("<=",
rep("<=", num.models),
rep("<=", num.models))
constraints.rhs <- c(Materials$Steel,
rep(0, num.models),
rep(0, num.models))
var.types <- c(rep("I", num.models), # x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 are integers
rep("B", num.models)) # z1, z2, z3, z4, z5 are booleans
mysolution<-Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = objective,
mat = constraints.mat,
dir = constraints.dir,
rhs = constraints.rhs,
types = var.types,
max = TRUE)
data frame previously defined, you get a solution:DorianAutoFunction(Dorian, Materials)
## $optimum
## [1] 6408000
## $solution
## [1] 1000 0 0 202 471 1 0 0 1 1
## $status
## [1] 0
. It says Dorian should produce 1000 Small Cars, 0 Medium Cars, 0 Large Cars, 200 Medium Vans, and 473 Large Vans for a profit ofsum(c(1000,0,0,200,473)*Dorian$Profit)
= $6.411 × 10<sup>6</sup>
At first I thought my function was slightly off - I was getting less profit than the “correct” answer. But upon closer inspection, the textbook (and excel)'s solution is over budget on labor:sum(c(1000, 0, 0, 200, 473) * Dorian$LabReq) <= Materials$Labor
## [1] FALSE
multiplot <- function(..., plotlist = NULL, file, cols = 1, layout = NULL) {
# Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
numPlots = length(plots)
# If layout is NULL, then use 'cols' to determine layout
if (is.null(layout)) {
# Make the panel ncol: Number of columns of plots nrow: Number of rows
# needed, calculated from # of cols
layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)), ncol = cols,
nrow = ceiling(numPlots/cols))
if (numPlots == 1) {
} else {
# Set up the page
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout))))
# Make each plot, in the correct location
for (i in 1:numPlots) {
# Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
matchidx <- == i, arr.ind = TRUE))
print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row, layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))
CalcFunction <- function(Dorian, Materials) {
mysolution <- DorianAutoFunction(Dorian, Materials)
num.models <- nrow(Dorian)
graphdat <- data.frame(Model = Dorian$Model, Production = mysolution$solution[1:num.models],
ProfitContributed = mysolution$solution[1:num.models] * Dorian$Profit)
graphdat2 <- data.frame(Model = rep(Dorian$Model, 2), Materials = rep(c("Steel",
"Labor"), each = num.models), percentMaterials = mysolution$solution[1:num.models] *
Dorian$SteelReq/Materials$Steel, percentLabor = mysolution$solution[1:num.models] *
p <- ggplot(graphdat, aes(x = Model, y = Production, fill = Model)) + geom_bar() +
guides(fill = F) + geom_text(label = as.character(graphdat$Production),
y = 25) + labs(title = "Production Schedule", x = "")
q <- ggplot(graphdat2, aes(x = Materials, y = percentMaterials, fill = Model)) +
geom_bar(position = "stack") + labs(y = "% Used", title = "Resource Consumption",
x = "")
r <- ggplot(graphdat, aes(x = Model, y = ProfitContributed/1e+06, fill = Model)) +
geom_bar() + guides(fill = F) + labs(title = paste("Total Profit = $",
as.character(sum(graphdat$ProfitContributed)), sep = ""), y = "Profit ($ Millions)",
x = "") + theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 20))
mydashboard <- multiplot(r, p, q, layout = matrix(c(1, 2, 1, 3), nrow = 2),
by.row = T)
Sensitivity Analysis
##### Steel Sensitivity Analysis #####
SteelSensitivity <- function(x) {
SteelList <- replicate(n = 26 + min(25, (Dorian[x, 2]/0.1) - 1), Dorian,
simplify = F)
SteelList[[1]][x, 2] <- max(Dorian[x, 2] - 2.5, 0.5)
for (i in 2:length(SteelList)) {
SteelList[[i]][x, 2] <- SteelList[[i - 1]][x, 2] + 0.1
SteelSens <- sapply(SteelList, DorianAutoFunction, Constraints = Materials)
SensDat <- data.frame(t(rbind(sapply(SteelSens[2, ], unlist)[1:5, ], unlist(SteelSens[1,
names(SensDat) <- c(Dorian[, 1], "Profit")
SensDat$Steel <- seq(max(Dorian[x, 2] - 2.5, 0.5), (length(SteelList) -
1) * 0.1 + max(Dorian[x, 2] - 2.5, 0.5), by = 0.1)
SensDat.melt <- melt(data = SensDat, id.vars = c("Steel", "Profit"), measure.vars = c("Small Car",
"Medium Car", "Large Car", "Medium Van", "Large Van"))
prod.plot <- ggplot(SensDat.melt, aes(x = Steel, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x, 2], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "", y = "Production Schedule", color = "Model",
title = paste("Sensitivity Analysis of", Dorian[x, 1], "Steel Requirement")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
prof.plot <- ggplot(SensDat, aes(x = Steel, y = Profit/1e+05)) + geom_line(color = "red",
lwd = 2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x, 2], color = "blue", lwd = 2,
alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "Steel Required", y = "Profit ($100,000's)") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
multiplot(prod.plot, prof.plot)
##### Labor Sensitivity Analysis #####
LaborSensitivity <- function(x) {
LaborList <- replicate(n = 26 + min(25, (Dorian[x, 3]) - 1), Dorian, simplify = F)
LaborList[[1]][x, 3] <- max(Dorian[x, 3] - 25, 1)
for (i in 2:length(LaborList)) {
LaborList[[i]][x, 3] <- LaborList[[i - 1]][x, 3] + 1
LaborSens <- sapply(LaborList, DorianAutoFunction, Constraints = Materials)
SensDat <- data.frame(t(rbind(sapply(LaborSens[2, ], unlist)[1:5, ], unlist(LaborSens[1,
names(SensDat) <- c(Dorian[, 1], "Profit")
SensDat$Labor <- seq(max(Dorian[x, 3] - 25, 1), (length(LaborList) - 1) +
max(Dorian[x, 3] - 25, 1), by = 1)
SensDat.melt <- melt(data = SensDat, id.vars = c("Labor", "Profit"), measure.vars = c("Small Car",
"Medium Car", "Large Car", "Medium Van", "Large Van"))
prod.plot <- ggplot(SensDat.melt, aes(x = Labor, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x, 3], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "", y = "Production Schedule", color = "Model",
title = paste("Sensitivity Analysis of", Dorian[x, 1], "Labor Requirement")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
prof.plot <- ggplot(SensDat, aes(x = Labor, y = Profit/1e+05)) + geom_line(color = "red",
lwd = 2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x, 3], color = "blue", lwd = 2,
alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "Labor Required", y = "Profit ($100,000's)") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
multiplot(prod.plot, prof.plot)
##### Minimum Production Sensitivity Analysis #####
MinProductionSensitivity <- function(x) {
MinProductionList <- replicate(n = 26 + min(25, (Dorian[x, 4]/10) - 1),
Dorian, simplify = F)
MinProductionList[[1]][x, 4] <- max(Dorian[x, 4] - 250, 10)
for (i in 2:length(MinProductionList)) {
MinProductionList[[i]][x, 4] <- MinProductionList[[i - 1]][x, 4] + 10
MinProductionSens <- sapply(MinProductionList, DorianAutoFunction, Constraints = Materials)
SensDat <- data.frame(t(rbind(sapply(MinProductionSens[2, ], unlist)[1:5,
], unlist(MinProductionSens[1, ]))))
names(SensDat) <- c(Dorian[, 1], "Profit")
SensDat$MinProduction <- seq(max(Dorian[x, 4] - 250, 10), (length(MinProductionList) -
1) * 10 + max(Dorian[x, 4] - 250, 10), by = 10)
SensDat.melt <- melt(data = SensDat, id.vars = c("MinProduction", "Profit"),
measure.vars = c("Small Car", "Medium Car", "Large Car", "Medium Van",
"Large Van"))
prod.plot <- ggplot(SensDat.melt, aes(x = MinProduction, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x, 4], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "", y = "Production Schedule", color = "Model",
title = paste("Sensitivity Analysis of", Dorian[x, 1], "Minimum Production Requirement")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
prof.plot <- ggplot(SensDat, aes(x = MinProduction, y = Profit/1e+05)) +
geom_line(color = "red", lwd = 2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x,
4], color = "blue", lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "Minimum Production Requirement",
y = "Profit ($100,000's)") + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
multiplot(prod.plot, prof.plot)
##### Profit Sensitivity Analysis #####
ModProfitSensitivity <- function(x) {
ModProfitList <- replicate(n = 26 + min(25, (Dorian[x, 5]/25) - 25), Dorian,
simplify = F)
ModProfitList[[1]][x, 5] <- max(Dorian[x, 5] - 625, 25)
for (i in 2:length(ModProfitList)) {
ModProfitList[[i]][x, 5] <- ModProfitList[[i - 1]][x, 5] + 25
ModProfitSens <- sapply(ModProfitList, DorianAutoFunction, Constraints = Materials)
SensDat <- data.frame(t(rbind(sapply(ModProfitSens[2, ], unlist)[1:5, ],
unlist(ModProfitSens[1, ]))))
names(SensDat) <- c(Dorian[, 1], "Profit")
SensDat$ModProfit <- seq(max(Dorian[x, 5] - 625, 25), (length(ModProfitList) -
1) * 25 + max(Dorian[x, 5] - 625, 25), by = 25)
SensDat.melt <- melt(data = SensDat, id.vars = c("ModProfit", "Profit"),
measure.vars = c("Small Car", "Medium Car", "Large Car", "Medium Van",
"Large Van"))
prod.plot <- ggplot(SensDat.melt, aes(x = ModProfit, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x, 5], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "", y = "Production Schedule", color = "Model",
title = paste("Sensitivity Analysis of", Dorian[x, 1], "Profit per Unit Requirement")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
prof.plot <- ggplot(SensDat, aes(x = ModProfit, y = Profit/1e+05)) + geom_line(color = "red",
lwd = 2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Dorian[x, 5], color = "blue", lwd = 2,
alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "Profit/Unit Sold", y = "Profit ($100,000's)") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
multiplot(prod.plot, prof.plot)
##### Steel Available Sensitivity Analysis #####
SteelAvailSensitivity <- function(x) {
SteelAvailList <- replicate(n = 26 + min(25, (Materials[1, 1]/25) - 25),
Materials, simplify = F)
SteelAvailList[[1]][1, 1] <- max(Materials[1, 1] - 625, 25)
for (i in 2:length(SteelAvailList)) {
SteelAvailList[[i]][1, 1] <- SteelAvailList[[i - 1]][1, 1] + 25
SteelAvailSens <- sapply(SteelAvailList, DorianAutoFunction, Inputs = Dorian)
SensDat <- data.frame(t(rbind(sapply(SteelAvailSens[2, ], unlist)[1:5, ],
unlist(SteelAvailSens[1, ]))))
names(SensDat) <- c(Dorian[, 1], "Profit")
SensDat$SteelAvail <- seq(max(Materials[1, 1] - 625, 25), (length(SteelAvailList) -
1) * 25 + max(Materials[1, 1] - 625, 25), by = 25)
SensDat.melt <- melt(data = SensDat, id.vars = c("SteelAvail", "Profit"),
measure.vars = c("Small Car", "Medium Car", "Large Car", "Medium Van",
"Large Van"))
prod.plot <- ggplot(SensDat.melt, aes(x = SteelAvail, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Materials[1, 1], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "", y = "Production Schedule", color = "Model",
title = "Sensitivity Analysis of Steel Available") + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
prof.plot <- ggplot(SensDat, aes(x = SteelAvail, y = Profit/1e+05)) + geom_line(color = "red",
lwd = 2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Materials[1, 1], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "Steel Available", y = "Profit ($100,000's)") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
multiplot(prod.plot, prof.plot)
##### Labor Available Sensitivity Analysis #####
LabAvailSensitivity <- function(x) {
LaborAvailList <- replicate(n = 26 + min(25, (Materials[1, 2]/250) - 25),
Materials, simplify = F)
LaborAvailList[[1]][1, 2] <- max(Materials[1, 2] - 6250, 250)
for (i in 2:length(LaborAvailList)) {
LaborAvailList[[i]][1, 2] <- LaborAvailList[[i - 1]][1, 2] + 250
LaborAvailSens <- sapply(LaborAvailList, DorianAutoFunction, Inputs = Dorian)
SensDat <- data.frame(t(rbind(sapply(LaborAvailSens[2, ], unlist)[1:5, ],
unlist(LaborAvailSens[1, ]))))
names(SensDat) <- c(Dorian[, 1], "Profit")
SensDat$LaborAvail <- seq(max(Materials[1, 2] - 6250, 250), (length(LaborAvailList) -
1) * 250 + max(Materials[1, 2] - 6250, 250), by = 250)
SensDat.melt <- melt(data = SensDat, id.vars = c("LaborAvail", "Profit"),
measure.vars = c("Small Car", "Medium Car", "Large Car", "Medium Van",
"Large Van"))
prod.plot <- ggplot(SensDat.melt, aes(x = LaborAvail, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Materials[1, 2], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "", y = "Production Schedule", color = "Model",
title = "Sensitivity Analysis of Labor Available") + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
prof.plot <- ggplot(SensDat, aes(x = LaborAvail, y = Profit/1e+05)) + geom_line(color = "red",
lwd = 2) + geom_vline(xintercept = Materials[1, 2], color = "blue",
lwd = 2, alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "Labor Available", y = "Profit ($100,000's)") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
multiplot(prod.plot, prof.plot)
. This corresponds to the row number of the Dorian
data frame that we are interested in exploring. The column we are interested in is given by the function we call. Lets try using one of these to see how it works:SteelSensitivity(1)
data frame (the steel required to produce a small car). The first thing to notice is that in the bottom figure, profit is decreasing from left to right. This makes sense. As the required materials increase, profit should go down. Notice that eventually profit stops decreasing. This is at the point when it is no longer most profitable to produce Small Cars, at which point it doesn't matter what we do to the steel requirement because we're no longer producing any Small Cars. In the top plot you can see how the optimal production schedule changes in response to the steel required to produce a Small car. The pale blue line in the background represents the value that is currently set in the Dorian
data frame. This function does not just produce the same figures each time it's called, it recalculates each time and produces a plot that goes 25 increments above the set value and 25 increments below (or to one increment above zero, whichever comes first). I chose the increments to be proportional to the values given in the problem, so a steel increment is 0.1 tons of steel, a Labor increment is 1 hour of labor, a minimum production requirement increment is 10 units, a profit increment is $25, an increment for steel available is 25 tons, and an increment for labor available is 250 hours. Now for the really fun part, lets put this all into an easy to use GUI so that anyone can play with it and explore the problem.The GUI Portion
. This package is designed around ease of use an because I don't have a strong background in programming I thought it would be for the best if I started out simple. gWidgets
actually uses two GUI “toolboxes”, GTK and TCL/TK. I stuck with GTK for my GUI because I had heard of it before and had done some reading about it.library(gWidgets)
options(guiToolkit = "RGtk2")
window <- gwindow("Dorian Auto", visible = T)
notebook <- gnotebook(cont = window)
group1 <- ggroup(cont = notebook, label = "Input Model Constraints", horizontal = F)
lyt <- glayout(cont = group1, horizontal = T)
lyt[1, 1] <- glabel(text = "Model Name")
lyt[1, 2] <- glabel(text = "Steel Required/Unit")
lyt[1, 4] <- glabel(text = "Labor Required/Unit")
lyt[1, 6] <- glabel(text = "Production Minimum")
lyt[1, 8] <- glabel(text = "Profit/Unit")
lyt[1, 10] <- glabel(text = " ")
lyt[1, 11] <- glabel(text = "Steel Available")
lyt[1, 13] <- glabel(text = "Labor Available")
# Model Names
lyt[2, 1] <- gedit(text = Dorian[1, 1], handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[1, 1] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[3, 1] <- gedit(text = Dorian[2, 1], handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[2, 1] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[4, 1] <- gedit(text = Dorian[3, 1], handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[3, 1] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[5, 1] <- gedit(text = Dorian[4, 1], handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[4, 1] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[6, 1] <- gedit(text = Dorian[5, 1], handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[5, 1] <<- svalue(h$obj)
data frame”. Next I do basically the same thing for the Dorian$Steel
values, but since these values should be numeric instead of character, I use a spin button to get these values from the user instead of a text box. I can add a from
, to
, and by
argument to mandate how the value inside the spinbutton changes when the user clicks the up or down arrow. Alternatively the user can also manually enter a number into the spin button like they would enter text into a text box.# Steel Required
lyt[2, 2] <- gspinbutton(from = 1, to = 15, by = 0.5, value = Dorian[1, 2],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[1, 2] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[3, 2] <- gspinbutton(from = 1, to = 15, by = 0.5, value = Dorian[2, 2],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[2, 2] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[4, 2] <- gspinbutton(from = 1, to = 15, by = 0.5, value = Dorian[3, 2],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[3, 2] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[5, 2] <- gspinbutton(from = 1, to = 15, by = 0.5, value = Dorian[4, 2],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[4, 2] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[6, 2] <- gspinbutton(from = 1, to = 15, by = 0.5, value = Dorian[5, 2],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[5, 2] <<- svalue(h$obj)
# Sensitivity analysis buttons for Steel
lyt[2, 3] <- SteelButton1 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[3, 3] <- SteelButton2 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[4, 3] <- SteelButton3 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[5, 3] <- SteelButton4 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[6, 3] <- SteelButton5 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
# Labor Required
lyt[2, 4] <- gspinbutton(from = 10, to = 100, by = 5, value = Dorian[1, 3],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[1, 3] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[3, 4] <- gspinbutton(from = 10, to = 100, by = 5, value = Dorian[2, 3],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[2, 3] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[4, 4] <- gspinbutton(from = 10, to = 100, by = 5, value = Dorian[3, 3],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[3, 3] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[5, 4] <- gspinbutton(from = 10, to = 100, by = 5, value = Dorian[4, 3],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[4, 3] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[6, 4] <- gspinbutton(from = 10, to = 100, by = 5, value = Dorian[5, 3],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[5, 3] <<- svalue(h$obj)
# Sensitivity analysis buttons for Labor
lyt[2, 5] <- LaborButton1 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[3, 5] <- LaborButton2 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[4, 5] <- LaborButton3 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[5, 5] <- LaborButton4 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[6, 5] <- LaborButton5 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
# Minimum Production Quantity
lyt[2, 6] <- gspinbutton(from = 100, to = 2000, by = 50, value = Dorian[1, 4],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[1, 4] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[3, 6] <- gspinbutton(from = 100, to = 2000, by = 50, value = Dorian[2, 4],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[2, 4] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[4, 6] <- gspinbutton(from = 100, to = 2000, by = 50, value = Dorian[3, 4],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[3, 4] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[5, 6] <- gspinbutton(from = 100, to = 2000, by = 50, value = Dorian[4, 4],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[4, 4] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[6, 6] <- gspinbutton(from = 100, to = 2000, by = 50, value = Dorian[5, 4],
digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[5, 4] <<- svalue(h$obj)
# Sensitivity analysis buttons for MinProduction
lyt[2, 7] <- MinProductionButton1 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[3, 7] <- MinProductionButton2 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[4, 7] <- MinProductionButton3 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[5, 7] <- MinProductionButton4 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[6, 7] <- MinProductionButton5 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
# Profit per unit
lyt[2, 8] <- gspinbutton(from = 1000, to = 10000, by = 100, value = Dorian[1,
5], digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[1, 5] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[3, 8] <- gspinbutton(from = 1000, to = 10000, by = 100, value = Dorian[2,
5], digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[2, 5] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[4, 8] <- gspinbutton(from = 1000, to = 10000, by = 100, value = Dorian[3,
5], digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[3, 5] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[5, 8] <- gspinbutton(from = 1000, to = 10000, by = 100, value = Dorian[4,
5], digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[4, 5] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[6, 8] <- gspinbutton(from = 1000, to = 10000, by = 100, value = Dorian[5,
5], digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Dorian[5, 5] <<- svalue(h$obj)
# Sensitivity analysis buttons for Profit/Unit
lyt[2, 9] <- ModProfitButton1 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[3, 9] <- ModProfitButton2 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[4, 9] <- ModProfitButton3 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[5, 9] <- ModProfitButton4 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[6, 9] <- ModProfitButton5 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
## Resource Input
lyt[2, 11] <- gspinbutton(from = 1000, to = 10000, by = 25, value = Materials[1,
1], digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Materials[1, 1] <<- svalue(h$obj)
lyt[2, 13] <- gspinbutton(from = 10000, to = 1e+05, by = 250, value = Materials[1,
2], digits = 0, handler = function(h, ...) {
Materials[1, 2] <<- svalue(h$obj)
## Sensitivity Analysis
lyt[2, 12] <- ModProfitButton5 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
lyt[2, 14] <- ModProfitButton5 <- gbutton("?", handler = function(h, ...) {
data frame.# Optimize button
lyt[7, 1] <- calcbutton <- gbutton("Optimize")
addHandlerClicked(calcbutton, handler = CalcFunction(Dorian, Materials))
# Graphics Device
group3 <- ggroup(cont = group1, horizontal = F, label = "Optimal Production Schedule Dashboard")
graphicspane1 <- ggraphics(cont = group3, width = 1000, height = 450)
I mentioned towards the beginning of the post that this was a peer graded presentation. I got the results back and there was lots of good feedback. I "won" over the other two students presenting on the same problem with 61% of students choosing me. Thanks guys! Here's a breakdown of the class's response:
Who would you recommend? | ||||||
Answer | Response | % | ||||
1 | First consultant | 7 | 21% | |||
2 | Second consultant (me) | 21 | 62% | |||
3 | Third consultant | 6 | 18% | |||
Total | 34 | 100% | ||||
Presentation Quality | ||||||
Poor | Fair | Good | Impressive | Responses | ||
1 | First consultant | 0 | 3 | 20 | 14 | 37 |
2 | Second consultant (me) | 1 | 0 | 13 | 23 | 37 |
3 | Third consultant | 0 | 1 | 24 | 9 | 34 |
Model and support | ||||||
Poor | Fair | Good | Impressive | Responses | ||
1 | First consultant | 0 | 2 | 22 | 13 | 37 |
2 | Second consultant (me) | 1 | 1 | 9 | 26 | 37 |
3 | Third consultant | 0 | 3 | 25 | 6 | 34 |
Cheers everyone!
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