Stop Sign Sampling Project

Post 1: Planning Phase

Welcome back to the blog y'all. It's been a while since my last post and I've got some fun stuff for you. I'm currently enrooled in a survey sampling methodology class and we've been given a semester-long project, which I will of course be doing entirely in R. My group's assignment is to estimate the proportion of cars that actually stop at a stop sign in Chapel Hill. This will obviously require a well thought out survey design, some GIS tasks and of course some survey data analysis. Here's what we've got so far:

I'm using a bunch of packages here. This is really a great example of how awesome R is. So many people contribute to make R capable of just about anything you can imagine.

A while ago I was asked to give a presentation at my job about using R to create statistical graphics. I had also just read some reviews of the Slidify package in R and I thought it would be extremely appropriate to create my presentation about visualization in R, in R. So I set about breaking in the Slidify package and I've got to give a huge shout out to Ramnath Vaidyanathan who created this package.

In class today we were discussing several types of survey sampling and we split into groups and did a little investigation. We were given a page of 100 rectangles with varying areas and took 3 samples of size 10. Our first was a convenience sample. We just picked a group of 10 rectangles adjacent to each other and counted their area. Next, we took a simple random sample (SRS), numbering the rectangles 1 through 100 and choosing 10 with a random number generator.
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