Stop Sign Sampling Project
Post 1: Planning Phase
Welcome back to the blog y'all. It's been a while since my last post and I've got some fun stuff for you. I'm currently enrooled in a survey sampling methodology class and we've been given a semester-long project, which I will of course be doing entirely in R. My group's assignment is to estimate the proportion of cars that actually stop at a stop sign in Chapel Hill. This will obviously require a well thought out survey design, some GIS tasks and of course some survey data analysis. Here's what we've got so far:
I'm using a bunch of packages here. This is really a great example of how awesome R is. So many people contribute to make R capable of just about anything you can imagine. Thanks to all of the package authors out there!
# Clear memory
rm(list = ls())
# Load packages I will need later - This is a pretty package intensive
# project
gpclibPermit() # required for fortify method
Answer the research question “What proportion of drivers come to a proper 3 second stop at stop signs in Chapel Hill?” After interviewing Officer Kuhns of the Chapel Hill Police Department, we define a proper stop as “no tire rotation.”
Target Population:
All cars at all stop signs in Chapel Hill.
Sampling Unit:
Stop signs
Observation Unit:
Individual cars
The simplest way to approach this research question would be to obtain a directory of all stop signs within our target popualtion and randomly select a sample.
Unfortunately, no such directory exists. To approximate such a strategy we will use systematic random sampling to select a random sample of stop signs in Chapel Hill. We will randomly generate a point on the map that lies within the boundries of Chapel Hill and select the nearest stop sign to that point to be included in our sample. This presents a problem, however, because not all stop signs will have an equal probability of selesction. Those that are not near any others will have a higher probability of selection, while thos that are in regions of particularly dense “stop sign-age” will have a lower probability of selection. To remedy this, we have divided Chapel Hill into zones that we expect to have similar densities of stop signs: residential, commercial, and institutional zones. We will treat the zones as strata and sample equally from each one.
We have obtained a GIS layer from the Town of Chapel Hill that clearly defines what is inside and what is outside of the town limits, as well 35 different “zones” as defined by the town of Chapel Hill. Find it here and download it to your computer, then load it using
or follow the procedure given below to download it into a temporary folder, unzip it, and read it in - all from within R. Now that's pretty sweet.# create a temporary file and a temporary directory on your local disk
tf <- tempfile()
td <- tempdir()
# run the download file function, download the zipped file (zipped files
# are binary) and save the result to the temporary file
tf, mode = "wb")
# unzip the files to the temporary directory
files <- unzip(tf, exdir = td) # unzipped files are now stored in the object `files`
# give the path (stored in `td`) to the argument 'dsn' and the filename
# without any filetype to the argument 'layer'
zones <- readOGR(dsn = td, layer = "zoning_districts", verbose = F)
zones1 <- spTransform(zones, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"))
Next, I'm going to use the fantastic package
to get a base layer for my map to plot my polygons over. This is made extremely simple by the get_map()
function in ggmap
. I simply give it a location to be the center of my map and define my “zoom” (this takes a little trial and error, but the rule of thumb is that zoom=0
is the whole world, zoom=10
is about the city level, and zoom=21
is building level). There are also a number of maptypes you can choose from including some interesting ones like “watercolor”, but for this project, a roadmap will suffice. A call to get_map()
queries Google Maps and gets the map layer requested. Notice the Google watermark in the bottom corner of the map.get_map()
must save the layer that it tracked down somewhere and so it creates a temporary file in whatever path is specified by your working directory at the time of the call to get_map()
. I've occasionally had some trouble with get_map()
and I think it's due to one of two reasons:
1) It has trouble when my working directory is set to a path with spaces somewhere in it (for example “C:// Users/rnorberg/Stop Sign Project”), or
2) It has trouble when my working directory is set to a path in which I do not have permission to save/edit files. I'm on a computer that the school gave me and I've never really taken the time to figure out the security settings on it.
So I set my working directory to be my desktop because I know for a fact I have permission to save in it and has no spaces in its path.
map1 <- get_map(location = "Chapel Hill, NC", zoom = 12, maptype = "roadmap")
Ok, now away from the technical stuff and back to the actual project.
Our intention is to treat the zones in our zoning layer as strata and 35 strata seems like a lot (keep in mind strata implies you must sample within each and I don't want to have to sample at 35+ stop signs), so we collapse these 35 zones into 3 major categories: residential, commercial, and institutional. A map of some of these zones with a key to elucidate what each zone is (they are named with rather uninformative abbreviations in the dataset) can be found here.
Commercial_Districts <- c("TC-1", "TC-2", "TC-3-C", "CC", "NC", "MU-V", "MU-OI-1",
"MU-R-1", "IND", "CC-C", "TC-2-C", "NC-C", "TC-1-C")
Institutional_Districts <- c("OI-1", "OI-2", "OI-3", "OI-4", "U-1", "OI-2-C",
Residential_Districts <- c("R-LD5", "RI", "R-LD1", "R-1A", "R-1", "R-2", "R-2A",
"R-3", "R-4", "R-5", "R-6", "R-SS-C", "RT", "R-3-C", "R-5-C", "R-4-C")
zones1$District <- factor(NA, levels = c("Commercial", "Residential", "Institutional"))
zones1$District[zones1$ZONING %in% Commercial_Districts] <- "Commercial"
zones1$District[zones1$ZONING %in% Residential_Districts] <- "Residential"
zones1$District[zones1$ZONING %in% Institutional_Districts] <- "Institutional"
Basically, what I've done here is created an empty categorical variable with 3 possible values (Commercial, Residential, and Institutional), then searched through the variable
and if it's value is also a value in my vector Commercial_Districts
, I have assigned the value 'Commercial' to my new variable zones1$District
. Then I repeat this for my other two District vectors.
Next I plot the modified layer. Before I do so, I call the
command to transform my object zones1
into an object that the graphics package ggplot2
will recognize. Currently, the object zones1
is of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
, but ggplot2 will only plot data.frame
s. I call fortify, adding the argument group='District'
to preserve the value of 'District'
attached to each polygon. I store the resulting object in a new object, zones2
, which is of class data.frame
.zones2 <- fortify(zones1, region = "District")
Now I can finally plot the polygons! I first plot the base layer stored in the object
, then I add a geom_polygon
on top of it, specifying that this procedure should use the zones2
data frame, then mapping certain aesthetics of the figure to certain variables in zones2
(the stuff inside the aes()
argument), and finally specifying that the polygons should be semi-transparent (alpha=0.3
). Inside the aes()
argument I tell ggplot()
that the x axis of the figure should correspond to the variable long
in zones2
, the y axis should correspond to the variable lat
in zones2
, and the fill (the color of the inside of the polygons) and the color (the color of the polygon edges) should correspond to thegroup
variable which was created from District
when we specified region='District'
in the call to fortify()
geom_polygon(data=zones2, aes(x=long, y=lat, fill=group, color=group), alpha=.3)+
theme_bw()+ # slightly modifies the appearance of the figure, only cosmetic
labs(x='Longitude', y='Latitude') # add my own labels, nicer than the default "long" and "lat"
Well, not bad, but that legend is horrific. It looks like for each individual polygon in the layer (there are many)
has assigned a separate value of group
(Residential.1, Residential.2, Residential.3 and so on). Lets do away with the legend then.ggmap(map1)+
geom_polygon(data=zones2, aes(x=long, y=lat, fill=group, color=group), alpha=.3)+
guides(color=F, fill=F)+ # remove the legend
labs(x='Longitude', y='Latitude')
That's a little better, but I'm not totally satisfied with the default color scheme, so I'm going to assign my own colors to the polygons using
and scale_color_manual()
. I must pass these a value for each unique value of group
and recall that group has many values, not just the 3 values we originally created in District
, so I must give a color value for each of the groups depicted in the messy legend we just got rid of. The polygons will be plotted on alphabetical order by group
, so I can use rep()
to repeat the same color value one time for each residential polygon, then do the same with a different color value for all of the institutional and commercial polygons.# how many residential polygons are there?
rz <- length(grep("Residential", unique(zones2$group)))
# how many commercial polygons are there?
cz <- length(grep("Commercial", unique(zones2$group)))
# how many institutional polygons are there?
iz <- length(grep("Institutional", unique(zones2$group)))
ggmap(map1) + geom_polygon(data = zones2, aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = group,
color = group), alpha = 0.3) + scale_fill_manual(values = rep(c("red", "green",
"blue"), c(cz, iz, rz))) + scale_color_manual(values = rep(c("red", "green",
NA), c(cz, iz, rz))) + guides(color = F, fill = F) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "Longitude",
y = "Latitude")
Now that's pretty snazzy. Notice some of the blue areas and red areas overlap. I'm not sure why or how to fix this, but this figure will do for now.
Again, lets return from the programming tangent and refocus on the big picture.
Now that we've got our map figured out and our 3 geographic stratum defined, we want to randomly generate points (Lattitude and Longitude) within each region. This is pretty straightforward using the
function from the package sp
. This uses a pretty fancy algorithm that goes something like this:
1) Define a rectangle using the min and max of longitude and latitude in the specified polygon
2) Randomly generate a longitude and latitude within said rectangle
3) Is the randomly generated point within the polygon? If yes, keep it, if no, throw it away and repeat. This continues until the number of desired points is reached.
The tricky part of this is determining if a point lies within a polygon which likely has many irregular edges. Thankfully, all we have to do is call
, specify an object of class SpatialPolygonsDataframe
, specify how many points we would like, and specify that we would like them selected randomly. I do this for the 3 disjoint subsets of zones1 specified in the variable District
. Also notice that I set the random seed before I begin this process so that this process is random, but reproducible.set.seed(2913)
randpoints1 <- spsample(subset(zones1, District == "Commercial"), 3, type = "random") # this produces an object of class SpatialPoints
randpoints1 <- data.frame(coordinates(randpoints1)) # extract the coordinates from randpoints1 and put into an object of class data.frame
randpoints2 <- spsample(subset(zones1, District == "Institutional"), 3, type = "random")
randpoints2 <- data.frame(coordinates(randpoints2))
randpoints3 <- spsample(subset(zones1, District == "Residential"), 3, type = "random")
randpoints3 <- data.frame(coordinates(randpoints3))
Now lets plot these points to see if we have succeeded. I simply repeat the commands for the previous plot, but add the
layers, one for each set of 3 points. In each of these 3 layers I specify inherit.aes=F
so that the plotting software does not search for variables named long
, lat
, and group
in the new data (randpointsX
) that were defined in the first aes()
call. I then make a new call to aes()
to specify the mappings I would like to use with this new data. The last thing I do is specify some aesthetics outside of the aes()
argument. These will apply to all points in that layer, and do not map to a particular variable. For example, I would like all points in the datarandpoints1
to be larger than the default size of 1, not just those with a particular x value, so I put size=4
outside of the aes()
geom_polygon(data=zones2, aes(x=long, y=lat, fill=group, color=group), alpha=.3)+
scale_fill_manual(values=rep(c('red', 'green', 'blue'), c(cz,iz,rz)))+
scale_color_manual(values=rep(c('red', 'green', NA), c(cz,iz,rz)))+
geom_point(data=randpoints1, inherit.aes=F, aes(x=x, y=y), color='red', pch=18, size=4)+
geom_point(data=randpoints2, inherit.aes=F, aes(x=x, y=y), color='#006600', pch=18, size=4)+
geom_point(data=randpoints3, inherit.aes=F, aes(x=x, y=y), color='blue', pch=18, size=4)+
guides(color=F, fill=F)+
labs(x='Longitude', y='Latitude')
# '#006600' is a particular color of dark green that shows up much better than regular 'green'
This looks like we've been successful! Table 1, below, gives the exact coordinates of these randomly generated coordinates.
table1 <- rbind(randpoints1, randpoints2, randpoints3)
names(table1) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude")
table1$Zone <- rep(c("Commercial", "Institutional", "Residential"), each = 3)
print(table1[, c(3, 2, 1)], rownames = F)
## Zone Latitude Longitude
## 1 Commercial 35.95 -79.00
## 2 Commercial 35.90 -79.01
## 3 Commercial 35.91 -79.02
## 4 Institutional 35.91 -79.04
## 5 Institutional 35.90 -79.01
## 6 Institutional 35.94 -79.06
## 7 Residential 35.89 -79.07
## 8 Residential 35.94 -79.01
## 9 Residential 35.87 -79.08
We will use GPS (on our cell phones) to navigate to each one of these points and locate the nearest stop sign in a systematic fashion. We will need to agree on an exact protocol for this to make it truly systematic random sampling. The stop sign closest to each point will constitute our sample population.
Once we have selected our sampling units, we will stratify again by day of week and time of day. More on this in a future post!
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