R vs. Perl/mySQL - an applied genomics showdown
R vs. Perl/mySQL - an applied genomics showdown
Recently I was given an assignment for a class I'm taking that got me thinking about speed in R. This isn't something I'm usually concerned with, but the first time I tried to run my solution (ussing plyr's ddply() it was going to take all night to compute. I consulted the professor that taught me to use R and he said that if I could boil the computationally intensive portion of the program down to an apply() command I could take advantage of the vectorized nature of R and greatly improve my speed. I constructed my solution around this methodology and had great success.
Recently I was given an assignment for a class I'm taking that got me thinking about speed in R. This isn't something I'm usually concerned with, but the first time I tried to run my solution (ussing plyr's ddply() it was going to take all night to compute. I consulted the professor that taught me to use R and he said that if I could boil the computationally intensive portion of the program down to an apply() command I could take advantage of the vectorized nature of R and greatly improve my speed. I constructed my solution around this methodology and had great success.