Getting Data From An Online Source
Getting Data From One Online Source
Robert Norberg
Hello world. It’s been a long time since I posted anything here on my blog. I’ve been busy getting my Masters degree in statistical computing and I haven’t had much free time to blog. But I’ve writing R code as much as ever. Now, with graduation approaching, I’m job hunting and I thought it would be good to put together a few things to show potential employers. In the spirit of open source, I want to share these “portfolio” scripts with anyone that’s interested.
As I’m sure many statisticians do, I keep a folder of “stock code”, or template scripts that do different things. This folder is always growing and the scripts are always improving, but there are a few in there that I think are worth sharing.
Robert Norberg
Hello world. It’s been a long time since I posted anything here on my blog. I’ve been busy getting my Masters degree in statistical computing and I haven’t had much free time to blog. But I’ve writing R code as much as ever. Now, with graduation approaching, I’m job hunting and I thought it would be good to put together a few things to show potential employers. In the spirit of open source, I want to share these “portfolio” scripts with anyone that’s interested.
As I’m sure many statisticians do, I keep a folder of “stock code”, or template scripts that do different things. This folder is always growing and the scripts are always improving, but there are a few in there that I think are worth sharing.